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Kebaikan & Khasiat Susu Kambing
Kajian saintifik telah menunjukkan bahawa komposisi dalam kandungan susu kambing mempunyai banyak kebaikan untuk manusia berbanding susu lembu atau sebarang jenis susu. Antara kebaikan susu kambing untuk kesihatan manusia boleh dihuraikan seperti berikut:
Susu Kambing Mudah Hadam
Susu kambing mempunyai molekul protin & lemak yang sangat halus, lembut, serta mudah hadam berbanding susu lembu. Ianya sangat baik untuk diet bayi dan juga orang dewasa yang mempunyai masalah penghadaman.
Disebabkan zarahnya yg halus & sifatnya yang menyah acid, maka sangat sesuai digunakan bagi rawatan ulcer & gastric.
Alahan Laktosa
Sifat susu kambing yang mudah hadam membolehkan laktosa melalui usus dengan mudah.
Susus kambing mempunyai kandung laktosa 7% lebih rendah berbanding susu lembu. Ianya sangat baik untuk kanak-kanak yg cirit birit & alahan kepada susu lembu & susu tepung.
Susu Kambing Bersifat Alkali
Ianya mempunyai kandungan pH beralkali. Maka ianya tidak menjana acid dalam darah atau usus. Ianya bertindak meneutralkan acid dalam badan.
Kandungan acid berlebihan dalam badan menyebabkan kepada penyakit sakit kepala, sakit badan & otot, penurunan berat badan, kandungan gula dalam badan yg tidak seimbang, keletihan dan tekanan darah tinggi.
Susu Kambing Mengandungi Acid Lemak Yang Baik
Susu kambing mengandungi asid lemak baik (asid capric & caprylic) yg mencegah kesan jangkitan kulat. Asid ini juga membantu sistem pertahanan badan dan meningkatkan tenaga manusia.
Susu Kambing Tidak Membentuk Lendir
Susu kambing tidak membentuk lender sebagaimana susu lembu dan tiada menimbulkan alahan kepada manusia.
Susu Kambing Kaya Dengan Mineral Selenium
Kandungan Mineral Selenium yang kaya dalam susu kambing bertindak sebagai bahan bagi membantu sistem ketahanan sel badan manusia dan bahan anti oksida. Selain itu ianya melawan virus secara semulajadi dan mencegahnya dari membiak.
Susu Kambing Kaya Bahan Bioorganic Sodium
Susu kambing didapati mengandungi Kandungan Bioorganic Sodium yang tinggi. Bioorganic Sodium dikenali dalam rawatan naturopathic sebagai elemen anti penuaan. Bioorganic Sodiem didapati mengurangkan masalah Rheumatoid Arthritis (inflamasi sendi).
Susu Kambing - Keajaiban Untuk Kebaikan Kesihatan
Susu kambing secara semulajadi mencegah pembiakan organism yang merbahaya dlm badan manusia sekaligus menjadikan kita sihat.
Kandungan potassium & calcium yg tinggi dalam susu kambing serta kandungan sodium yang rendah dlm susu kambing sangat penting bagi membentuk tekanan darah yang normal dan mengawal fungsi hati yang normal.
Susu kambing mengandungi bahan riboflavin untuk tenaga dan juga boleh merawat simpton penyakit asma, eczema, colic, insomnia dan demam kuning.
Kandungan silicon dan fluorine yang tinggi dalam susu kambing dapat mencegah penyakit diabetes (kencing manis). Susu kambing juga dikaji mampu menagatasi penyakit barah.
• | Susu terbaik selepas susu ibu |
• | Tidak menyebabkan alahan |
• | Membantu sistem imunisasi tubuh |
• | Bersifat alkali |
• | Meningkatkan daya kepekaan, penumpuan dan ingatan |
• | Membantu sistem penghadaman |
• | Menguatkan jisim tubuh yang sihat (tulang, otot, sendi, kulit & tisu saraf) |
• | Tidak mengandungi Protein Kompleks (Alpha-casein & Beta-casein Protein) = penyebab utama alahan. |
• | Kandungan gizi dalam susu kambing lebih tinggi berbanding dalam susu lembu:- |
| 1. | Protein 2.1 kali ganda |
2. | Kalsium 2.2 kali ganda |
3. | Zat Besi 2.0 kali ganda |
4. | Potasium 2.1 kali ganda |
5. | Vitamin A 3.8 kali ganda |
6. | Garam Galian 2.0 kali ganda |
7. | Selenium paling tinggi berbanding semua jenis susu |
• | Kandungan Asid Lemak Rantaian Pendek dalam susu kambing lebih tinggi berbanding dalam susu lembu |
• | Molekul Lemak dalam susu kambing lebih halus & mudah dihadam berbanding susu lembu |
• | Proses pencernaan untuk susu kambing hanya memerlukan 20 minit sahaja berbanding susu lembu yang memerlukan lebih 2 jam |
• | Sama seperti susu ibu pH susu kambing beralkali berbanding susu lembu yang asidik |
Ramai juga yang telah mengamalkan Susu Awal Lembu sebagai pemakanan tambahan, tetapi susu kedua terbaik selepas susu ibu ialah susu kambing.
Kajian saintifik telah menunjukkan bahawa:
- Susu Kambing tidak mengandungi Protein Kompleks (Alpha-casein & Beta-casein Protein) = penyebab utama alahan
- Kandungan Asid Lemak Rantaian Pendek dalam susu kambing lebih tinggi berbanding dalam susu lembu
- Molekul Lemak dalam susu kambing lebih halus & mudah dihadam berbanding susu lembu
- Proses pencernaan susu kambing hanya 20 minit sahaja berbanding susu lembu yang memerlukan lebih 2 jam
- Sama seperti susu ibu pH susu kambing beralkali berbanding susu lembu yang asidik
- Kandungan gizi dalam susu kambing lebih tinggi berbanding dalam susu lembu:-
- Protein 2.1 kali ganda
- Kalsium 2.2 kali ganda
- Zat Besi 2.0 kali ganda
- Potasium 2.1 kali ganda
- Vitamin A 3.8 kali ganda
- Garam Galian 2.0 kali ganda
- Selenium paling tinggi berbanding semua jenis susu
Kajian telah mendapati susu kambing adalah Susu Yang Terbaik selepas susu ibu kerana
mengandungi sumber nutrien seperti berikut:
- Tenaga
- Protein
- Lemak
- Karbohidrat
- Gula
- Kalsium
- Zat Besi
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin B12
- Asid Folik
- Inositol
- Sodium
- Potasium
- Selenium
Kelebihan Susu Kambing Higoat
Apakah kelebihan dan manfaat Susu Kambing Hi-Goat yang telah terbukti keberkesanannya?
- Merawat Kencing Manis
- Sakit Jantung dan Darah Tinggi
- Gastrik
- Asma (Lelah)
- Acute Anemia
- Tulang Belakang Reput
- Angin Ahmar
- Insomnia
- Kebas Kaki dan Tangan
- Migrain
- Semput
- Masalah Keletihan
- Masalah Kulit
- Masalah Ketika Mengandung dan Kelahiran
- Masalah Susah Buang Air Besar dan Buasir
Dan Banyak lagi penyakit boleh sembuh jika selalu mengamalkan minum
susu kambing setiap hari dengan kerana susu kambing adalah
minuman kesihatan, ia bukan ubat tetapi boleh menyembuhkan pelbagai
penyakit dengan izin Alaah S.W.T
HiGoat - Rahsia susu kambing yang kini disingkap mutu khasiat dan kebaikannya. Susu kambing terlaris buat anda sekeluarga yang diyakini manafaatnya. Harga berpatutan, penuh nilai khasiat dan bermutu tinggi, suci lagi halal.
Kini terdapat cara mudah untuk meminum susu kambing. Anda tidak perlu risau bagaimana untuk simpan susu kambing bagi mengekalkan kesegaran, bau yang tidak menyenangkan. Penemuan terbaru susu kambing dalam bentuk tepung yang dinamakan Hi Goat keluaran Syarikat HR Marketing Sdn. Bhd. yang dijamin Suci dan Halal. Susu Tepung Hi Goat adalah unik dan terbaik kerana:
- Pertama di pasaran
- Rasa yang enak
- Penyediaan mudah dan segera
- Sesuai untuk semua
- Bau yang menyenangkan
- Tanpa gula
- Tiada bahan pengawet dan pewarna Organik
Kelebihan & Khasiat
Apakah kelebihan dan manfaat Susu Kambing Hi-Goat yang telah terbukti keberkesanannya?
1) Merawat Kencing Manis | 9) Kebas Kaki dan Tangan |
2) Sakit Jantung dan Darah Tinggi | 10) Migrain |
3) Gastrik | 11) Semput |
4) Asma (Lelah) | 12) Masalah Keletihan |
5) Acute Anemia | 13) Masalah Kulit |
6) Tulang Belakang Reput | 14) Masalah Ketika Mengandung |
7) Angin Ahmar | 15) Masalah Ketika Kelahiran |
8.) Insomnia | 16) Susah Buang Air Besar & Buasir |
Adakah anda sedang hamil atau ibu menyusu? Mungkin juga anda mempunyai anak kecil di rumah.
Tahukah anda keperluan kalsium adalah paling tinggi semasa peringkat pertumbuhan, seperti peringkat
kanak-kanak, semasa mengandung dan semasa penyusuan bayi?
Dan tahukah anda bahawa Susu Kambing sebenarnya mempunyai kandungan kalsium yang lebih tinggi
berbanding susu lembu.
Manfaat #1 : Manfaat Ibu Hamil
Pemakanan yang berkhasiat boleh menyumbang kepada pembentukan dan perkembangan bayi semasa dalam kandungan kerana apa sahaja yang anda makan dan minum merupakan sumber utama nutrien bagi bayi anda. Susu kambing sangat sesuai untuk ibu mengandung kerana ia kaya dengan protein, enzim-enzim dan Vitamin A yang penting untuk kesihatan. Pemakanan yang sihat bermula dari awal kehamilan dapat membantu proses tumbesaran bayi yang sihat, cergas dan pintar. Semasa mengandung, anda bukan sahaja perlu meningkatkan jumlah pemakanan anda, tetapi yang lebih penting ialah apa yang anda makan.
Manfaat #2 : Manfaat Ibu Menyusu
Ibu yang menyusu perlu menjaga pemakanan yang sihat agar dapat menyusui bayi dengan sempurna. Memang tidak dinafikan bahawa susu ibu merupakan makanan yang terbaik untuk bayi namun kebanyakan ibu-ibu terpaksa menghentikan penyususan ibu kerana aliran susu semakin perlahan sedangkan bayi memerlukan susu yang lebih apabila semakin membesar. Amalan meminum susu kambing dapat meningkatkan pengaliran susu badan. Apa yang menarik, selain menambahkan susu ibu, susu kambing juga boleh diberikan kepada bayi menggantikan susu lembu.
Manfaat #3 : Bayi dan Kanak-Kanak
Kandungan kalsium yang tinggi dalam susu sangat baik untuk pembentukan tulang dan gigi kanak-kanak. Keunggulan lain susu kambing adalah susu kambing lebih mudah dicerna. Susu kambing mempunyai molekul protin & lemak yang sangat halus, lembut, serta mudah hadam berbanding susu lembu. Jadi ia sangat baik untuk diet bayi.
Manfaat-manfaat Lain
Khasiat Mengikut Kategori
Tepung Susu Hi Goat mempunyai pelbagai manfaat untuk setiap golongan daripada bayi sehinggalah
orang tua, di antaranya adalah :
Bayi & Kanak-kanak | Dewasa & Warga Tua | Penderita Penyakit |
Cerdas Minda | Tenaga | Fungsi Sel Imun |
Tumbesaran | Penyembuhan Luka | Usus dan Perut |
Cirit Birit / Alahan | Masalah Sendi/Sakit Lutut | Pemulihan Selepas Pembedahan |
Sistem Imun | Tulang Rapuh | HIV - AIDS |
Demam Kuning | Penyakit Lupa/Nyanyuk | Melawan Radikal Bebas |
Ibu Mengandung | Pelajar | Ahli Sukan |
Cegah Demam Kuning | Kecerdasan Minda | Tenaga |
Khasiat Penting | Peka & Penumpuan | Stamina |
Tenaga | Sistem Imun | kekuatan Otot |
Pemulihan | Tingkatkan Kecerdasan | Kesihatan Tulang |
Pasti anda tertanya-tanya kenapa Susu Kambing Hi Goat boleh membantu meningkatkan taraf kesihatan
untuk semua tanpa mengira umur serta membantu menyembuhkan penyakit? Ini adalah kerana Hi Goat
mempunyai faedah-faedah berikut kepada kesihatan:
- Rendah Laktosa
- Tinggi Protein
- Tinggi Kalsium
- Tinggi Selenium
- PH Alkali
- Molekul Lemak Halus
cow’s milk remains one of America’s most common daily drinks, it is interesting to note that it may also be the reason why many Americans experience
gas, bloating, mucous and other forms of indigestion.
Moreover, in a world where the common cow is pumped full of growth hormones, antibiotics, GMO feed, vaccinations and exposed to toxic conditions, it is no wonder that many humans experience negative effects of consuming
pasteurized cow milk.
Goat’s milk is a much healthier alternative, especially if it is consumed raw and from a good organic source. The most common form of milk used on a global scale, it is estimated that around three fourths of the milk consumed worldwide comes from goats, not cows. And most of the people drinking this milk are not fat and do not have allergies or digestive complaints.
The Benefits of Goat Milk
Goat’s milk offers a wide variety of health benefits, with very few of the negative side effects of drinking regular cow milk.
1. Natural Anti-Inflammatory
Some research suggests that one of the main benefits of goat milk is that it may hold anti-inflammatory capacities. Another reason why it is easier for people with bowel inflammation to drink goat’s milk, instead of cow’s milk.
2. Environmentally Friendly
Goats requires far less space and food than cows. Typically, you can comfortably raise six goats on the same acreage as two cows.
3. Metabolic agent
Studies done at the USDA and Prairie View A&M University, link goat’s milk to an increased ability to metabolize iron and copper, especially amongst individuals with digestion and absorption limitations. Besides drinking goat’s milk, you can also take a
digestive enzymes supplement to help with this also.
4. Bio-availability
Another main health benefit of goat milk, is that it is closer to human mother’s milk than cow’s milk is. Because it has a chemical make up that is much closer to human milk, it is easier to digest and assimilate in the human body.
5. Lower in Fat
Goat’s milk is a great option for people who want to lose weight. It has less fat, but still maintains the high levels of proteins and essential amino acids found in cow’s milk.
6. High in Fatty Acids
While cow’s milk has about seventeen percent fatty acids, goat’s milk averages thirty five percent fatty acids, making it more nutritionally wholesome. In fact, up to 50% of people with lactose intolerance to cow’s milk find that they can easily digest goat’s milk, especially if it is raw.
7. Calcium-rich
Many people worry that they need to drink cow’s milk for calcium intake and the prevention of bone loss. Goat’s milk also offers high amounts of calcium, the amino acid tryptophan, and much less side effects of drinking cow’s milk. It’s just one of the many
foods high in calcium.
8. Anti-Mucousal
While drinking cow’s milk is a common reason for allergies and excess mucous, goat’s milk is not. Cow’s milk is high in fat, which may increase mucous build-up. Moreover, the fat globules in goat’s milk are one ninth the size of those found in cow’s milk, another possible reason why it does not produce irritation in the gut.
9. Ultra-nourishing
In Naturopathic medicine, goat’s are referred to as bioorganic sodium animals. They are also associated with vigour, flexibility and vitality. Cows are calcium animals known for stability and heaviness. Bioorganic sodium is an important element in keeping joints mobile and limber. Goat milk has traditionally been used in medicinal cultures to nourish and regenerate an over-taxed nervous system. Goat’s milk is also extremely nutrient dense. It has almost 35% of your daily needs for calcium in one cup. Extremely high in riboflavin, just one cup of goat’s milk offers 20.0% of our daily needs. Add to that high amounts of phosphorous, Vitamin B12, protein and potassium. In fact, Ghandi himself
restored his own health after extremely long periods of fasting through drinking raw goat’s milk.
10. Less toxic than Cow’s Milk
Whereas most cow’s milk is pumped full of bovine growth hormones as well as a substance known as bovine somatotropin, a hormone specific for increasing milk production in an unnatural way, goat’s are rarely treated with these substances. Because of its use on the fringes of big agriculture, goat’s milk is not only more nutritious for you, but also less toxic.
11. May Boost Immune System
Goat’s milk has the trace mineral, selenium, a key essential mineral in keeping the immune system strong and functioning correctly.
Why You Should Drink Goat Milk Over Cow’s Milk
These are just a few of the many health benefits of goat milk. Not only does it contain more nutrients your body craves, but it also has less additives than cow’s milk. The choice is clear. If you’re going to drink milk, you may as well go with the healthier choice
Milk, goat
Delicious with a slightly sweet and sometimes salty undertone, goat's milk is the milk of choice in most of the world. Although not popular in the United States, it can be found in markets and health foods stores throughout the year.
Unlike cow's milk there is no need to homogenize goat's milk. While the fat globules in cow's milk tend to separate to the surface, the globules in goat's milk are much smaller and will remain suspended in solution. When individuals have sensitivity to cow's milk, goat's milk can sometimes be used as an alternative.
Nutrients in
Milk - Goat
1.00 cup (244.00 grams)
Nutrient%Daily Value
vitamin D31.1%
vitamin B220%
Calories (168)9%
This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Milk, goat provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. Additional information about the amount of these nutrients provided by Milk, goat can be found in the
Food Rating System Chart. A link that takes you to the In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Milk, goat, featuring information over 80 nutrients, can be found under the Food Rating System Chart.
Goat's milk is a very good source of calcium and the amino acid tryptophan. It is also a good source of protein, phosphorus, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and potassium. Perhaps the greatest benefit of goat's milk, however, is that some people who cannot tolerate cow's milk are able to drink goat's milk without any problems. It is not clear from scientific research studies exactly why some people can better tolerate goat's milk. Some initial studies suggested that specific proteins known to cause allergic reactions may have been present in cow's milk in significant quantities yet largely absent in goat's milk. The alpha-casein proteins, including alpha s1-casein, and the beta-casein proteins were both considered in this regard. However, more recent studies suggest that the genetic wiring for these casein proteins is highly variable in both cows and goats and that more study is needed to determine the exact role these proteins might play in the tolerability of goat's milk versus cow's milk. Other research has found some anti-inflammatory compounds (short-chain sugar molecules called oligosaccharides) to be present in goat's milk. These oligosaccharides may make goat's milk easier to digest, especially in the case of compromised intestinal function. In animal studies, goat's milk has also been shown to enhance the metabolism of both iron and copper, especially when there are problems with absorption of minerals in the digestive tract. These factors and others are likely to play an important role in the tolerability of goat's milk versus cow's milk. Allergy to cow's milk has been found in many people with conditions such as recurrent ear infections, asthma, eczema, and even rheumatoid arthritis. Replacing cow's milk with goat's milk may help to reduce some of the symptoms of these conditions.
Goat's milk can sometimes even be used as a replacement for cow's milk-based infant formulas for infants who have difficulties with dairy products. Unfortunately, goat's milk is lacking in several nutrients that are necessary for growing infants, so parents interested in trying goat's milk instead of cow's milk-based formula for their infants should ask their pediatricians or other qualified healthcare practitioners for recipes and ways to add these important and vital nutrients. For older children and adults, however, goat's milk can be an excellent calcium-rich alternative to cow's milk as, in addition to calcium, it contains many of the same nutrients found in cow's milk.
Calcium—A Mineral for A Lot More than Strong Bones
Goat's milk is a very good source of
calcium. Calcium is widely recognized for its role in maintaining the strength and density of bones. In a process known as bone mineralization, calcium and phosphorus join to form calcium phosphate. Calcium phosphate is a major component of the mineral complex (called
hydroxyapatite) that gives structure and strength to bones. A cup of goat's milk supplies 32.6% of the daily value for calcium along with 27.0% of the DV for phosphorus. In comparison, a cup of cow's milk provides 29.7% of the DV for calcium and 23.2% of the DV for phosphorus.
Building bone is, however, far from all that calcium does for us. In recent studies, this important mineral has been shown to:
- Help protect colon cells from cancer-causing chemicals
- Help prevent the bone loss that can occur as a result of menopause or certain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis
- Help prevent migraine headaches in those who suffer from them
- Reduce PMS symptoms during the luteal phase (the second half) of the menstrual cycle
Calcium also plays a role in many other vital physiological activities, including blood clotting, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, regulation of enzyme activity, cell membrane function and blood pressure regulation. Because these activities are essential to life, the body utilizes complex regulatory systems to tightly control the amount of calcium in the blood, so that sufficient calcium is always available. As a result, when dietary intake of calcium is too low to maintain adequate blood levels of calcium, calcium stores are drawn out of the bones to maintain normal blood concentrations.
Dairy Foods Better than Calcium Supplements for Growing Girls' Bones
For young girls going through the rapid growth spurts of puberty, getting calcium from dairy products, such as goat's milk, may be better for building bone than taking a calcium supplement, suggests a study published in the
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Finnish researchers enrolled 195 healthy girls aged 10-12 years and divided them into 4 groups. One group was given supplemental calcium (1000 mg) + vitamin D3 (200 IU) each day. The second group received only supplemental calcium (1000 mg/day). The third group ate cheese supplying 1,000 mg of calcium each day, and the fourth group was given a placebo supplement.
At the beginning and end of the study, DEXA (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) scans were run to check bone indexes of the hip, spine, and whole body, and the radius and tibia were checked by peripheral quantitative computed tomography.
At the conclusion of the study, girls getting their calcium from cheese had higher whole-body bone mineral density and cortical thickness of the tibia than girls given supplemental calcium + vitamin D, supplemental calcium alone, or placebo. While the researchers noted that differences in the rate at which different children naturally grow might account for some of the differences seen in bone mineral density, they concluded: "Increasing calcium intake by consuming cheese appears to be more beneficial for cortical bone mass accrual than the consumption of tablets containing a similar amount of calcium."
Calcium-rich Dairy Foods Boost the Body's Burning of Fat After a Meal
Those ads linking a daily cup of yogurt to a slimmer silhouette may have a real basis in scientific fact. A study published in the
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition not only shows a calcium-rich diet is associated with fat loss but may help explain why.
Normal-weight women ranging in age from 18-30 years were randomly assigned to a low (less than 800 mg per day) or high (1000-1400 mg per day) calcium diet for 1 year, and the rate at which their bodies burned fat after a meal was assessed at the beginning and end of the study.
After 1 year, fat oxidation (burning) was 20 times higher in women eating the high calcium diet compared to those in the low-calcium control group (0.10 vs. 0.06 gram per minute).
The women's blood levels of parathyroid hormone were also checked and were found to correlate with their rate of fat oxidation. (The primary function of parathyroid hormone is to maintain normal levels of calcium in the body. When calcium levels drop too low, parathyroid hormone is secreted to instruct bone cells to release calcium into the bloodstream.)
Higher blood levels of parathyroid hormone were associated with a lower rate of fat oxidation and lower dietary calcium intake, while lower blood levels of parathyroid hormone levels were seen in the women consuming a diet high in calcium, who were burning fat more rapidly after a meal. So, it appears that a high-calcium diet increases fat oxidation, at least in part, by lessening the need for parathyroid hormone secretion, thus keeping blood levels of the hormone low.
Dairy Foods Protective against Metabolic Syndrome
Including goat's milk and other dairy products in your healthy way of eating may reduce your risk of metabolic syndrome by up to 62%, shows the 20-year Caerphilly prospective study involving 2,375 Welsh men ranging in age from 45-59. Researchers have proposed that conjugated linolenic acid (a healthy fat found in greatest amounts in dairy foods from grass fed cows and goats) may improve insulin action and reduce blood glucose levels.
Practical Tip: Enjoy a pint of milk and/or a serving of yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese daily. Men who drank a daily pint of milk in the Caerphilly study reduced their risk of metabolic syndrome by 62%. Regular consumption of other dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese, reduced metabolic syndrome risk by 56%.
Dairy Foods' Calcium Protective against Breast Cancer
When French researchers analyzed the dietary intakes of 3,627 women using five 24-hour records completed over the course of 18 months, those with the highest average dairy intake had a 45% lower risk of developing breast cancer than women with the lowest average intake. When only pre-menopausal women were considered, benefits were even greater; those with the highest average dairy intake had a 65% reduction in breast cancer risk.
Analysis indicates the calcium provided by dairy foods is the reason why. Increasing calcium intake was associated with a 50% reduction in breast cancer risk for the whole population, and a 74% reduction for pre-menopausal women.
Practical Tip: In addition to foods made from goat's or sheep's milk, you can also increase your
calcium intake by making
sesame seeds;
blackstrap molasses; and
turnip or
mustard greens, regular additions to your healthy way of eating.
Energy Producing Riboflavin
Goat's milk is a very good source of
riboflavin, a B vitamin important for energy production. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) plays at least two important roles in the body's energy production. When active in energy production pathways, riboflavin takes the form of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) or flavin mononucleotide (FMN). In these forms, riboflavin attaches to protein enzymes called flavoproteins that allow oxygen-based energy production to occur. Flavoproteins are found throughout the body, particularly in locations where oxygen-based energy production is constantly needed, such as the heart and other muscles.
Riboflavin's other role in energy production is protective. The oxygen-containing molecules the body uses to produce energy can be highly reactive and can inadvertently cause damage to the
mitochondria (the energy production factories in every cell) and even the cells themselves. In the mitochondria, such damage is largely prevented by a small, protein-like molecule called
glutathione. Like many "antioxidant" molecules,
glutathione must be constantly recycled, and it is vitamin B2 that allows this recycling to take place. (Technically, vitamin B2 is a cofactor for the enzyme
glutathione reductase that reduces the oxidized form of
glutathione back to its reduced version.) Riboflavin been shown to be able to reduce the frequency of migraine headaches in people who suffer from them.
One cup of goat's milk supplies 20.0% of the daily value for riboflavin, comparable to the 23.5% of the DV for riboflavin provided in a cup of cow's milk.
A Good Source of Protein
Goat's milk is a good source of low-cost high-quality
protein, providing 8.7 grams of protein (17.4% of the daily value for protein) in one cup versus cow's milk, which provides 8.1 grams or 16.3% of the DV for protein. The structure of humans and animals is built on protein. We rely on animal and vegetable protein for our supply of amino acids, and then our bodies rearrange the nitrogen to create the pattern of amino acids we require.
Cardiovascular Protection from Potassium
Goat's milk is a good source of
potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function. Since a cup of goat's milk contains 498.7 mg of potassium and only 121.5 mg of sodium, goat's milk may help to prevent high blood pressure and protect against atherosclerosis.
The effectiveness of potassium-rich foods in lowering blood pressure has been demonstrated by a number of studies. For example, researchers tracked over 40,000 American male health professionals over four years to determine the effects of diet on blood pressure. Men who ate diets higher in potassium-rich foods had a substantially reduced risk of stroke. A cup of goat's milk provides 14.2% of the daily value for potassium.
While in the United States, we may think of goat's milk as a beverage alternative to cow's milk, in most areas of the world, the opposite is true. Worldwide, more people drink goat's milk than cow's milk.
Most people assume goat's milk will have the same strong musky taste for which goat cheese is famous. Yet, in fact, good quality goat's milk has a delicious slightly sweet, and sometimes also slightly salty, taste.
The scientific name for goat is
Capra hircus.
Goats have played a role in food culture since time immemorial with ancient cave paintings showing the hunting of goats. They are also one of the oldest domesticated animals since the herding of goats is thought to have evolved about 10,000 years ago in the mountains of Iran.
Goat milk and the cheese made from it were revered in ancient Egypt with some pharaohs supposedly having these foods placed among the other treasures in their burial chambers. Goat milk was also widely consumed by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Goat milk has remained popular throughout history and still is consumed on a more extensive basis worldwide than cow's milk.
When purchasing goat's milk, always use the "sell-by" date as a guide to the shelf life of the goat's milk. Smell the top of the container to make sure that the milk does not smell of spoilage, which could have been caused by being stored for a period of time outside of the refrigerator. Select goat's milk from the coldest part of the refrigerator case, which is usually the lower section.
Goat's milk should always be refrigerated since higher temperatures can cause it to turn sour rather quickly. Always seal or close the milk container when storing it to prevent it from absorbing the aromas of other foods in the refrigerator. Avoid storing goat's milk in the refrigerator door since this exposes it to too much heat each time the refrigerator is opened and closed.
For some of our favorite recipes, click
A Few Quick Serving Ideas:
Next time you want a glass of milk, try goat's milk instead.
Goat's milk yogurt makes a wonderful base for savory dips. Simply mix in your favorite herbs and spices and serve with crudité.
Crumble some goat's cheese on a salad of romaine lettuce, pears and pumpkin seeds.
Crumbled goat cheese is a wonderful rich topping for split pea soup.
Add extra taste and protein to a vegetable sandwich by including some goat's cheese.
Soft, spreadable goat cheese is an exceptional accompaniment to crusty whole grain bread or crackers and fruit.
Top sliced tomatoes with crumpled goat cheese and fresh basil. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.
Lactose Intolerance
Goat's milk, like cow's milk, contains the milk sugar, lactose, and may produce adverse reactions in lactose-intolerant individuals. (Goat's milk is only slightly lower in lactose than cow's milk, with 4.1% milk solids as lactose versus 4.7% in cow's milk.)
Goat's milk is a very good source of calcium. It is also a good source of vitamin D, phosphorus, riboflavin (vitamin B2), protein and potassium.
For an in-depth nutritional profile click here:
Goat's Milk.
In-Depth Nutritional Profile
In addition to the nutrients highlighted in our ratings chart, an in-depth nutritional profile for
Milk, goat is also available. This profile includes information on a full array of nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more.
Introduction to Food Rating System Chart
In order to better help you identify foods that feature a high concentration of nutrients for the calories they contain, we created a Food Rating System. This system allows us to highlight the foods that are especially rich in particular nutrients. The following chart shows the nutrients for which this food is either an excellent, very good, or good source (below the chart you will find a table that explains these qualifications). If a nutrient is not listed in the chart, it does not necessarily mean that the food doesn't contain it. It simply means that the nutrient is not provided in a sufficient amount or concentration to meet our rating criteria. (To view this food's in-depth nutritional profile that includes values for dozens of nutrients - not just the ones rated as excellent, very good, or good - please use the link below the chart.) To read this chart accurately, you'll need to glance up in the top left corner where you will find the name of the food and the serving size we used to calculate the food's nutrient composition. This serving size will tell you how much of the food you need to eat to obtain the amount of nutrients found in the chart. Now, returning to the chart itself, you can look next to the nutrient name in order to find the nutrient amount it offers, the percent Daily Value (DV%) that this amount represents, the nutrient density that we calculated for this food and nutrient, and the rating we established in our rating system. For most of our nutrient ratings, we adopted the government standards for food labeling that are found in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's "Reference Values for Nutrition Labeling."
Read more background information and details of our rating system.
Milk - Goat 1.00 cup 244.00 grams 168.36 calories |
Nutrient | Amount | DV
(%) | Nutrient
Density | World's Healthiest
Foods Rating |
tryptophan | 0.11 g | 34.4 | 3.7 | very good |
calcium | 326.96 mg | 32.7 | 3.5 | very good |
vitamin D | 124.44 IU | 31.1 | 3.3 | good |
phosphorus | 270.84 mg | 27.1 | 2.9 | good |
vitamin B2 | 0.34 mg | 20.0 | 2.1 | good |
protein | 8.69 g | 17.4 | 1.9 | good |
potassium | 497.76 mg | 14.2 | 1.5 | good |
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating | Rule |
excellent | DV>=75% OR
Density>=7.6 AND DV>=10% |
very good | DV>=50% OR
Density>=3.4 AND DV>=5% |
good | DV>=25% OR
Density>=1.5 AND DV>=2.5% |
Benefits of Drinking Goat’s Milk
Goat’s milk is the most digestible dairy product because of its molecular size and similar composition to mother’s milk. Any species of mammal can be raised on goat’s milk. Goat milk provides 13% more calcium, 25% more Vitamin B-6, 47% more Vitamin A, 134% more potassium and 350% more niacin than cow milk. Goat milk is also higher in chloride, copper and manganese.
Easier to Digest
Goat’s milk is naturally homogenized. While the fat globules in cow’s milk tend to separate to the surface, the globules in goat’s milk are much smaller and will remain suspended in solution. It forms a soft curd when compared to cow milk and hence helps in easy digestion and absorption. Amazingly, your body can digest goat’s milk in just 20 minutes. It takes 2-3 hours (or more) to digest cow’s milk!
Reduces the body’s ph level
Goat’s milk alkalizes the digestive system and also helps to increase the ph level in the blood stream. Furthermore, goat’s milk does not produce mucus and will not worsen allergic respiratory conditions such as asthma. Goat’s milk helps to increase the pH of the blood stream because it is the dairy product highest in the amino acid L-glutamine. L-glutamine is an alkalinizing amino acid, often recommended by nutritionists.
Research reported in the March 2006 issue of “The Journal of Nutrition” found that in rats with colitis, goat milk exerted an anti-inflammatory response. This indicates that goat milk might be useful in the management of inflammatory bowel disease. The authors also note that goat milk has prebiotic properties that promote a healthy digestive system.
Better fats
The August 2001 issue of the “Journal of Dairy Research” reports a study comparing cow and goat milk. It was found that compared with cow milk, goat milk reduced cholesterol levels. It was also found that goat milk fat was more easily absorbed in rats who had parts of their intestines removed, and therefore was more tolerated than cow milk. The digestive utilization of goat milk was compared to that of olive oil. From these observations, the authors note that goat milk can be useful in patients with certain intestinal problems, especially persons who have undergone intestinal surgery. Goat’s milk contains twice the healthful medium-chain fatty acids, such as capric and caprylic acids, which are highly antimicrobial. (They actually killed the bacteria used to test for the presence of antibiotics in cow’s milk!) Goat milk has a higher concentration of medium chain fatty acids which play an important role in imparting unique health benefits. Medium chain fatty acids minimize cholesterol deposition in the arteries, aid in dissolving cholesterol and gallstones and significantly contribute to normal growth of infants.
Goat’s Milk Soothes the Digestive Tract
Goat’s milk has long been used and recommended as an aid in the treatment of ulcers due to its more effective acid buffering capacity.Children on goat’s milk have been observed to sleep through the night and remain more satisfied between meals.
Goat’s milk is less allergic – It does not contain the complex protein that stimulates allergic reactions to cow’s milk.
Goat’s milk has more buffering capacity than over the counter antacids. (The USDA and Prairie View A&M University in Texas have confirmed that goat’s milk has more acid-buffering capacity than cow’s milk, soy infant formula, and nonprescription antacid drugs.)
What’s in Goat Milk?
Goat’s milk is a very good source of calcium and the amino acid tryptophan. It is also a good source of protein, phosphorus, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and potassium. Goat’s milk is a rich source of the trace mineral selenium, a necessary nutrient for its immune modulation and antioxidant properties.
Goat’s milk is a good source of potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function. A cup of goat’s milk provides 14.2% of the daily value for potassium.
Goat’s milk is a very good source of riboflavin, a B vitamin important for energy production. One cup of goat’s milk supplies 20.0% of the daily value for riboflavin, comparable to the 23.5% of the DV for riboflavin provided in a cup of cow’s milk.
Goat’s milk is a good source of low-cost high-quality protein, providing 8.7 grams of protein (17.4% of the daily value for protein) in one cup versus cow’s milk, which provides 8.1 grams or 16.3% of the DV for protein.
Lactose Intolerant?
Goat’s milk molecules are smaller than cow’s milk molecules,and therefore pass through the gut wall more quickly. This allows the lactose to pass through the intestines more rapidly, not giving it time to ferment or cause an osmotic imbalance. Goat’s milk also contains 7% less lactose than cow milk.
Perhaps the greatest benefit of goat’s milk, is that some people who cannot tolerate cow’s milk are able to drink goat’s milk without any problems. It is not clear from scientific research studies exactly why some people can better tolerate goat’s milk. Some initial studies suggested that specific proteins known to cause allergic reactions may have been present in cow’s milk in significant quantities yet largely absent in goat’s milk. Other research has found some anti-inflammatory compounds (short-chain sugar molecules called oligosaccharides) to be present in goat’s milk. These oligosaccharides may make goat’s milk easier to digest, especially in the case of compromised intestinal function. In animal studies, goat’s milk has also been shown to enhance the metabolism of both iron and copper, especially when there are problems with absorption of minerals in the digestive tract. These factors and others are likely to play an important role in the tolerability of goat’s milk versus cow’s milk.
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